A look at the life and thoughts of a young scottish entrepreneur, or realistically.... the yammerings of a 20 30 something t-shirt printer from Scotland!
Self Employment, Comics, Small Businesses, Networking, Crime Fighting, Motorbikes, T-shirt Printing and so much more....
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Advertising - We Need Your Help
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Top Tips on Networking (Addition)

- Print of an attendance list of folks that are going to be there and bring a pen. This will let you take notes of things that interest you. But more importantly so you can take notes of what people are asking you about your business. That way when you do a follow up and are sending out emails to the folks you chatted to, then you can add in a little bit of info about whatever it was that sparked their question to you. Even if all you put at the end of your email ‘feel free to get in touch in the future about XYZ and I can send you more info or would love to meet up to get the chance to talk to you more about it.’ If you don’t have an attendance list, just use their business cards!
- Always try putting time aside that week to do a follow up email. Even if it’s just to say it was really nice meeting you, feel free to get in touch with any questions, I look forward to seeing you at a future event. Folks will appreciate that.
- Don’t worry about being there on your own or being a newbie. If you are going to a networking event for the first time or on your own, don’t stress! You’re not the only one that will be in that boat! Take comfort in the fact that you are the newbie or on your own because a lot of the time people will come over to you that maybe see you being a wee bit awkward or flying solo. But remember you do have 2 choices; you can bring someone with you, if you know someone that is in business themselves or have a colleague bring them along for moral support until you’re happy to go it alone. Or you can speak to the organisers and ask them to introduce you to few folks to get you started.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A thought on: Speed Networking

Well I had a good 'first' today, I attended my first speed networking event. It was a total marathon!
Here's how it went...
9.30am: arrive, have bacon roll and cup of tea (wake up), informal chat with folks there.
9.45am: take seat and you’re told if you’re a 'mover' or a 'sitter'. I think the names speak for themselves. I was a sitter so folks came to me. You get 2 minutes each to chat about your business and what you do. Then the whistle goes and you move on, or in my case wait for the next person to shift over. Over the first run you get to talk to 10 folks.
11am: break for cuppa, more informal networking
11.25am: next round, 10 more folks to chat to
12.30pm: lunch and chatting to folks you didn’t get the chance to meet or talking more in-depth with those you did.
1.30pm: head back to the office
It's really hard work doing pretty much the same schpeel every 2 minutes without trying to get tongue tied. But what was really good was that in that morning networking you have made 20 definite contacts. Not all of them are something you will use and they might not all want to use you, but who knows! What I found really useful is that out of the 20 folks I got a chatting to there were quite a few that seemed genuinely interested in my business and quite a few that I was really interested in using them.
I definately will do the speed netowrking thing again.
But I think to add to my top tips about networking; I think these 3 really need to be added to the list.... please see next post and check out my top tips labels.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
competitive etiquette

Question - what is good competitive etiquette?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Who you gonna call?

- Scottish Enterprise - http://www.scottish-enterprise.com/
- PSYBT - http://www.psybt.org.uk/
- British Chamber of Commerce - http://www.britishchambers.org.uk/
- Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce - http://www.edinburghchamber.co.uk/
- Cultural Enterprise Office - http://www.culturalenterpriseoffice.co.uk/website/
- Business Gateway - http://www.bgateway.com/
- Business Link (England) - http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/
- HM Revenue & Customs: Self Employed - http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/selfemployed/index.shtml
Friday, October 24, 2008
Yapping @ Gala
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Be Yourself!
At the end of September I went to the PSYBT networking event in Edinburgh. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go because Lucinda from the Apprentice was going to be there and to be honest she wasn't my favourite on the show. But I went anyway because I thought the networking event was a little more important, and I'm glad I did go because it was a good night. Still not sure about Lucinda but I must admit she does make some sense, I asked her what one bit of advice she could give about networking and she said just be yourself. I can honestly say it is not the most astounding piece of advice I was given but it definitely is something I can relate to. I know a lot of people that are very into their image and how you should look while dealing with customers. Now I do agree that appearance is important, but since I was young people have always told me how to act and dress etc and so I went out and done the opposite, but I have had a great response from people just because I am myself when I deal with my customers.
I was at church several years ago and the guy that was preaching was a guest speaker, he was a big chap, dressed in a really nice suit. I can't remember what he was preaching about but I do remember one thing he said, it doesn't matter if you wear the best dressed most expensive suit or a string vest and shorts, if you are talking about something that people are interested in then they will listen to you no matter what you wear.
I have found that in business, if you can't be yourself you run the risk of putting people off from working with you. We have heard a lot of times that folks come into our workshop and leave making comments to others saying 'oh they are really nice folks', 'oh they are so friendly' etc, their friends tell us this is why they have come to see us, cause of the great references. It's quite flattering and does give us a big head, especially if they tell us they have tried some where else and they were a bit dour!
So to sound like you're high school guidance teacher, remember to always be yourself, you're great the way you are! GUSH!

Sunday, September 28, 2008
Top Tips on Networking

Ok so here are my top tips to get the best out of your networking event. Some of these points are more aimed at if you are doing a 1 minute pitch more than 1-2-1 networking. But the thing to remember is that it's worth while putting this into practice even if you're chatting to 1 person or a crowd.
- Try standing out from the crowd. I have found that someone that has something a little different from everyone else is more memorable. I’m lucky that my hair kinda stands out but even better my business is connected to it. Do you have a uniform? Try something a little different with it. Give your business cards a bit of TLC, try something a bit different with it, shape, colour graphics.
- Have a strap line. If you find that being memorable is a little difficult, get yourself a strap line. Every time I finish my little 1 minute pitch I close with ‘for designs with style and flair, come see the girl with pink hair’. Strap lines help people to remember you even if they can’t remember your name. If you can get it to rhyme then all the better.
- Make sure you’re heard. I went to a meeting once and a confidence coach stood up, only problem was you couldn't hear a thing he said. When you stand up to talk to folk make sure you project yourself. I know it’s not something that everyone has naturally, I’m quite lucky to be naturally able to project my voice (or honestly, I’m naturally loud), but it’s something that is so important. If you can’t catch people’s interest by what you’re saying you’re not going to succeed in getting someone interested in your business. So practice, practice, practice.
- Don’t be scared! Everyone’s nervous! Although I’m quite happy to stand up and get my thing done, right up until I stand up and start talking I am SO nervous! I’ve even bumbled over my words on several occasions, but I just laugh it off and carry on. Getting tongue tied isn’t something you should worry about. Even if you were to fall flat on your face while walking up to the front, brush yourself off stand up, laugh and give the best performance you’ve ever given. People will remember you for that. And if that’s what it takes to sell your business, watch me as being the first one up there to land on my face.
- Try not to use a script. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for having notes. And I have on several occasions used a script if there are certain things I want to say. But remember when you’re reading from a script you may not be looking at the folks that are listening. If you need to use a script try knowing it off by heart anyway and only have it there for back up. Make sure when you are talking you always look people in the eye, it makes you trust worthy.
- Be yourself. If you just be yourself and show how passionate you are about your business people will want to be a part of that, no matter how well you perform.
- Know your stuff. This is the most important thing. Know your business, but don't be embarrassed if you don't know the answer to something that someone asks you. This gives you a great opportunity to contact someone after the event. Ask for their details, tell them you'll look into more details for them and get back in touch. People will appreciate that. But make sure you wow them with the details you do know. As far as you should be concerned you are the world's leading authority in your field and that's why folks will want to work with you, just make sure you're not cocky!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A thought about networking
Right, so me waxing lyrical about how ace my summer was may not make sense, but there is definitely a seasonal change to my business that I have noticed over the last few years. The way I do business changes depending on the season.
It’s like being a farmer in a sense except my harvest is over the summer. In September, a young entrepreneurs thoughts turn to growing their business.
So this brings me onto networking. PSYBT in Edinburgh start up their monthly networking events again this month, and I get to thinking about how I want to present my business to the folks I meet. What needs growth, what needs developed, what needs ditched?
I love networking, my passion for performing takes over. Although standing talking to someone on a 121 basis does get me a little nervous stand my in front of a room to do my 1min pitch and I can’t hold back. But luckily for me that kinda helps with my un-sureness about approaching folks. As once they see me bopping about the front of the room, the ice is already broken.
So on the run up to the start of the PSYBT networking event I’m give my top tips to networking, (I’d say 10 but I’m not sure how many I’ll have)
And for laughs here's me at the PSYBT event in Stirling at the start of the year (Jan 08) giving my wee 1 min stylee pitch. God i hate that picture!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
What An Honour
So now i gotta work out what i need to talk about! And here's the thing, i only have an hour! I cant have a converstaion about my lunch in an hour let along give a talk about being self employed.
But here's the great thing, i know what its like to be a student at Gala and come through the ranks and go out on my own!
Its so awesome to be asked back to do this. I remember going to these talks when i was a student and was really interested about what folks had to say, but i did feel there was something missing. So now is my chance to see if i can do it right!
I think the one thing i'll wanna stress is the importance of having a good support system. But i think that could be my next blog, (which i can't get used to doing yet! lol!)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
a thought about advertising
There are loads of well priced and even free ways to advertise. You’ve just gotta do your research. It does take time, but before you sign a cheque for some company to print your ad in some paper or put you on some screen, ask yourself one question, “why should I do this?”
Ask yourself, have you heard of the place your advertising? If so why and how? I advertise in a local paper and the reason I agreed to that is that the place I worked when I was a student, used to advertise in it. So I knew the name, knew they were reliable, had built a good reputation etc, so I knew I could trust them.
But also don’t get sucked in by the big players either. There’s a huge directory everyone knows of, (they’re yellow) and they offer everyone a free listing, which is fab! But they will phone you and try to sell you there big products. Now, you know the name, you know they have been going for quite a few years, understatement of the year, but just watch because their product really only works for some many people.
I know quite a few businesses that live of the work they get from this directory they don’t advertise anywhere else, but I also know others that never hear a peep from them. Like if you are a bio chemist, I don’t think folks are going to look you up in an online business directory, but they probably will if you’re a pest control guy/gall! So maybe you don’t need anything more than the free listing.
But the thing that amazed me was that once you give one of these companies the time of day the rest come to knock at your door, and even more amazing they can be quite aggressive when you don’t want anything. "But why not? Surely you would be happy to take on more business?" well duh! “Then why don't you want to take an advert with us?" then come the stats as to how awesome they are! They really can pull you in! Learn how to say no.
But there is another way, my dad feels that when they call you it’s a great opportunity to sell them one of his fire extinguishers, he’s had no sales yet but definitely talked to a few more managers than he would have on the days they call. Maybe next time I’ll see if they need a t-shirt done up!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
coz i'm a geek!
website www.pinknikdesigns.com
myspace www.myspace.com/pinknikdesigns
twitter www.twitter.com/pinknikdesigns
facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=10955188724
bebo group http://www.bebo.com/pinknikdesigns
bebo profilehttp://www.bebo.com/pinknikd
business community site http://pinknikdesigns.bttradespace.com/
ok so now if your sad like me you can find more crap about me n my wee business, and possibly more random stuff i like!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
finally a picture
small business - mall trading final
Ok so from this experience I’ve found that;
a) This may not be the most suitable venue for my business. I either need someone up there full time to open and close and call me with any order – but here starts the problem of hiring someone!! Or
b) Get something full time so I can take all my gear up to the mall. Or maybe
c) Find some other way of advertising and promoting my business!
But while I can’t really gather all malls in one group it seems like a lot of people dictating how you are meant to run your business. Surely this takes the fun out of being self employed? I love the flexibility of being able to start and finish when I please, to display my products in a way that suit my tastes.
My experience working in the mall has not been a bad one, the 14 hours days I can do without, but while working on your own like have been in a workshop means no one to talk to for most of your day, this is a good opportunity to network and meet other self employed people or the folks that work for them. The banter is lively, especially since I’ve been in a wee group of kiosks and the mall staff very welcoming and friendly.
As usual this is not for everyone, if you have a product that is a bit easier to sell that customised t-shirts, then this would be the perfect thing for you. Being in the mall is not for me I love my freedom and space, in a way knowing I’m the only that can dictate 99.9% of the rules sits well with me. I have promised my staff we’d not do it again but I know I will, I’ll just have to bribe them to make sure they’re willing to spend the days up there when not much happens.
Friday, August 8, 2008
small business - mall trading cont'd
But here’s the stuff you don’t get told:
· you have to be at the stall every hour the mall is open
· you can’t leave your stall unattended
· certain places have a dress code
· you aren’t meant to eat or drink at the stall
· no personal items are to be on display
· you may have to check that your display is acceptable to the mall management
· your time keeping is noted and will be logged
Doing all this is if there is only you in your business is hard! Who watches the stall if you go have lunch, coz you’re not meant to eat at the stall! Who takes orders if you have to go make them up! What happens if you leave early or start late one too many times? Remember they’re makes notes about this.
Now I’ve been quite lucky because I’ve only really been there for 2 weeks at a time I’m not give much grief about it as the mall staff know I’ve got to get my orders made up. But I have seen comments being made to others for packing up early, but nothing to much more. Although I have heard about other places that won’t give you your kiosk cover back until the mall closes. Does that promote flexibility?
Thursday, August 7, 2008
small business - running from a mall kiosk
Well we're just finishing week 2 in the Mall. I miss the comfort of the workshop and can’t wait to get back, although the banter up here is great!
I’ve had a stall in the mall twice now and I can’t quite see how they can say they can help you build your business. The incentive for building a business in the mall sounds good but, in reality when you find out the small details that they don’t put in their sales pitch when you first hear it you may change your mind. And from what I’m finding this is pretty standard through most malls, my source for this is the other kiosk traders, as most of them have stalls in at least one other mall.
Here are the highlights from the pitch you get:
flexibility - you are not on a long term fixed lease, all your are committed to is a week at a time unless you agree differently with the management, unlike high st premises which could be as little as 5 years
Reasonable costs - most of the time your rent includes electricity, plus for location you’re not paying usual high st prices for premises. Plus your rates are low if you qualify for small business discount. Rates for 2 weeks with full discount can be as little as £1.99 if you don’t have any other premises.
great visibility - you are in an area you choose with high foot fall, with so many thousands of people passing you every day.
Ok so far this sounds perfect, as a newish business I need a place my products and service can be seen, but I have to watch the cost etc.
Monday, July 28, 2008
dang its hot!
so i think if our unusually warm weather persists i think I'll have to review my wardrobe, which is a shame coz i kinda feel i have my summer look sorted, but definitely will need to check this again if it gonna stay this hot!
but we're all set up and happy, so hopefully once i work out how to post things from my mobly, I'll pop thru a few pics!
righto better get back to the sauna!
Friday, July 25, 2008
back at the Mall
so pop along and say howdy, and if there's a t-shirt that you like quote 'blogger' to get 10% of your order. this is only valid while we're in the Mall and on face to face orders.
See you up there!! :D
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Now we can be found

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
so here we go!
not that i do this regularly but this will hopefully keep folks up to date with whats happening and what we're doing!
so if you've wasted 5 mins reading this at work or where ever.....
thanx and get back to looking at something interesting..