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Thursday, September 25, 2008

A thought about networking

Ok so we're now well into September, I had my birthday a couple of days ago, summer never happened in Scotland, my only holiday this year seems like it was a hundred years ago and not a few months. The summer always feels like playtime, even when you work for yourself! (Well I think so, maybe I’m doing something wrong, lmao!) There are tradeshows, meet and greets, new suppliers and customers to go see as a result of said tradeshows. But that all changes when the summer goes, so now comes the hard graft!

Right, so me waxing lyrical about how ace my summer was may not make sense, but there is definitely a seasonal change to my business that I have noticed over the last few years. The way I do business changes depending on the season.

It’s like being a farmer in a sense except my harvest is over the summer. In September, a young entrepreneurs thoughts turn to growing their business.

So this brings me onto networking. PSYBT in Edinburgh start up their monthly networking events again this month, and I get to thinking about how I want to present my business to the folks I meet. What needs growth, what needs developed, what needs ditched?

I love networking, my passion for performing takes over. Although standing talking to someone on a 121 basis does get me a little nervous stand my in front of a room to do my 1min pitch and I can’t hold back. But luckily for me that kinda helps with my un-sureness about approaching folks. As once they see me bopping about the front of the room, the ice is already broken.

So on the run up to the start of the PSYBT networking event I’m give my top tips to networking, (I’d say 10 but I’m not sure how many I’ll have)

And for laughs here's me at the PSYBT event in Stirling at the start of the year (Jan 08) giving my wee 1 min stylee pitch. God i hate that picture!!

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