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Thursday, August 7, 2008

small business - running from a mall kiosk


Well we're just finishing week 2 in the Mall. I miss the comfort of the workshop and can’t wait to get back, although the banter up here is great!

I’ve had a stall in the mall twice now and I can’t quite see how they can say they can help you build your business. The incentive for building a business in the mall sounds good but, in reality when you find out the small details that they don’t put in their sales pitch when you first hear it you may change your mind. And from what I’m finding this is pretty standard through most malls, my source for this is the other kiosk traders, as most of them have stalls in at least one other mall.

Here are the highlights from the pitch you get:
flexibility - you are not on a long term fixed lease, all your are committed to is a week at a time unless you agree differently with the management, unlike high st premises which could be as little as 5 years
Reasonable costs - most of the time your rent includes electricity, plus for location you’re not paying usual high st prices for premises. Plus your rates are low if you qualify for small business discount. Rates for 2 weeks with full discount can be as little as £1.99 if you don’t have any other premises.
great visibility - you are in an area you choose with high foot fall, with so many thousands of people passing you every day.

Ok so far this sounds perfect, as a newish business I need a place my products and service can be seen, but I have to watch the cost etc.

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