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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A Thought About - Radio Advertising

If you listen to local commerical radio you'll know that list of local businesses that advertise with the station. You may even know some of the jingles for the businesses. You may or may not like those jingles! What's my point? Have you ever concidered radio advertising for your business? Well like all advertising, tread carefully with it. Not all businesses suit radio advertising.

We tried it before Christmas and although i believe it will have given us a bit more exposure i don't think it suited what we do. In comparison we occasionally have a stand down in the local mall and that can get us more business. I think this is because people can see the t-shirts and gifts up on the stand so it visually flicks a switch in their brain, they walk over pick up a flier and head off on their way. Radio advertising we have a guy saying our wee catch phrase then 15 seconds later its gone. The same person that may pick up our flier upon seeing it in the mall may never even register our radio ad.

I understand that this is all down to what ever suits your business, as of course ever business is different, but can small businesses benefit from radio advertising the same way as larger local businesses.

I remember from years ago we would listen to the radio before going to school and a local taxi company had there jingle playing, it was really annoying but extremely catchy. The company is still going strong in the area and to this day if i go for a night out back home and i need a taxi they are the only company that i can call, because all i need to do is sing the old jingle while i dial.

My advice for any small business thinking of taking on larger scale advertising;
  • seek advice - either from your accountant, a business advisor, fellow businesses
  • take your time - don't rush in, take your time thinking it over and if you do decide to go for it make sure you have time to organise a good quality jingle, slogan or strap line, you need to make sure it'll work for you.
  • advertise - if you can compliment what you are doing by advertising in other places, such as magazines, events or even highlight things on your website/blog
  • professional help - can you afford to get a PR company to help you out, to take full advantage of what you are doing? remember it's still your company and you need to control everything that is associated with your company. Bad or bland PR and advertising is a waste of your time and money.
Don't forget though taking a risk might be worth it for your business, but sometimes if it sounds to good....

1 comment:

Custom t-shirts said...

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