Here's some tips and sites that are realy useful for any of you lovely folks that may want some more info. if you have a look at these sites and feel you need a bit more help then there are now several places offering courses on how to use social media for marketing, Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce for one, but be sure to note that they probably use these resources as the basis for what they wil be talking about.

"Dry, boring feeds rarely draw many people. Successful Twitter business accounts, though, can take many forms. They may be personal and chatty or they might even have mostly automated information. But no matter the style, the key is to post messages that your followers will find compelling."-
Twitter 101 for Business Blog
This link is for a specific post that i think is particular interesting, have a look at the slide show, but definately check out the rest of the blog.-
Chris Brogan
"Ideas About WHAT to Tweet11. Instead of answering the question, “What are you doing?”, answer the question, “What has your attention?”"-
This site has lots of really good usful links to articles and tips that are worth checking out-
More useful links (list will get updated or add your own links)
Dosh Dosh - 17 Ways to Use Twitter: My Experiences So Far
Dosh Dosh - 17 Ways to Use Twitter: My Experiences So Far
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