I think it's time we introduce Tessy. She's one of our shop mascot's, we've two goldfish as well.
Tessy spend's her day snoozing on the small landings or greeting customers as they come in the shop, she like to make sure everyone gives her attention.
Tessy has been with us for nearly 2 years, we adopted her from the Dog's Trust and has been a delight to have ever since. She loves to meet everyone that comes into the shop and has a great skill of meeting folks that are not the most comfortable with dogs.
One awesome wee story from her time with us. A wee boy came into the shop with his mum and they placed an order for a t-shirt, the wee boy hung of his mum's neck to scared to go near Tess and she kept her distance. When they returned to collect the t-shirt the wee boy was still really scared, his mum explained that when he was tiny a dog went for him and since then has been terrified of them. Well we had Tessy rolling over for a treat to show she wasn't going to do anything and he took up the courage and throw her ball for her. She flew of, caught it and brought it back to him. She dropped it and he threw it again. After about 15 minutes the wee boy wasn't even waiting for Tess to drop the ball he had his hand right in her mouth giggling with glee at playing with the dog. His mum was thrilled, she couldn't believe how happy he was to play with her.
That made us very proud to have adopted Tess, so when you're visiting please make sure you give her a pat and if you're not keen let us know as she'll happily go up stairs to her bed.